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Sunday, November 22, 2009

Acoustic Guitar, Picks and Tone

I wrote about picks a while back, and how a thinner pick can be easier when starting out strumming the guitar. But i wanted to narrow the focus a bit more, and talk about a pick i have been enjoying lately. Its the Golden Gate. Below is a picture.

It comes in one thickness, heavy only, and as you can see, features pretty rounded edges. It may take a bit getting used to with folks who usually play with pointier picks. When i first started using them i found they would rotate in my grip alot.

The thing i like about this pick is it give a super warm, round, pleasing tone when playing single notes. Its not the loudest sound, so its not going to cut through with a bluegrass ensemble. But for solo playing, or one or two other instruments i think its great. Strumming chords is easy too, its not overly thick that its hard to push through the strings or you get alot of pick noise. That is problem I still have with the Wegen Trimus 350 pick i use, which is super thick pick. Strumming with it is still taking some getting used to. So the Golden Gate seems to offer a nice balance between being thick enough for a warm tone, and not to thick so strumming is difficult. I still do love my Wegen pick though, its just sometimes i like different flavors.

I think experimenting with different picks is important once you pass the beginning stage of guitar learning. They have such an impact on your sound, and often times you think you need a new guitar when you may just need a new pick.

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