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Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The Sound of (Almost) Music

The casual listener probably wouldn't notice -- an attentive leader listener might not, either -- but somehow or another I've managed to sound semi-musical for the past couple of days. Chord changes are coming a tad easier and I'm not stumbling around so much. Maybe the muscle memory is kicking in or something. Anyhow, it sounds like I'm only nine or 10 months away from almost having a vague idea of what I'm doing. (I say all this fully realizing I've said similar things before and that in a couple of days I'll be whining about lack of progress again.)

Also, I've started another Beatles song, "Come Together," that requires a stretch across five frets. When I first tried it at my lesson, it was impossible but now I can reach all the way down to that fifth fret. Just don't ask me to do it quickly. It's still awkward for me, requires a few contortion
s of my wrist and arm and looks like I'm trying to wrestle the guitar -- and losing.

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