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Wednesday, November 25, 2009

listing all strange sound tricks-part 3

Crazy Reverb Sounds

From: Angus MacLeod
This works with mine and one of my friends amps, however they are both laney valve state amps, so it may not work for everyones. Using maximum distortion sounds best. Turn reverb up all the way on the amp and hit the top of it with the palm of your hand. Dont break it, just give it a pretty hard tap. It should produce weird warbles and spacey type sounds. Could be a cool stage stunt if you use your guitar to hit the top of the amp instead of your palm.

Also, Evan Price sent in this little FYI to the site -
I just thought I'd explain the reverb trick. It does this because it's a spring reverb (using a spring to create reverb). So when hit your amp, it causes the spring to move and cause noise.

Behind-the-nut raking

from - Angus MacLeod
A simple one. With maximum distortion strike the strings behind the nut. should produce, cool noise is probably the only way to describe it. This is not an original way of noise making - nirvana,radiohead,smashing pumpkins are just a few that have done this.

Hope this helps

Hot Girl Whistle

from Tyler at
This is one if you see a hot girl. On the high E start on the 3rd fret and quickly slide up to the 20th fret. And then on the b string start from the 3rd fret and then quickly slide up to the 16th fret and then slide back down. It sounds like a whistle .

Flying UFO

From - Raimundas
This effect is called "Flying UFO." You have to stab at random with your fingers above the 12th fret and you will hear the sound. (Simulate computers bleeping.)

CD Drum Set

From - Raimundas
This effect is called Drum set. I will describe it like I usually do. I place a CD between the strings (1st string over the CD, 2nd under it, 3rd over it, and so on...). Then, hit the CD like a drum. CD's placed in different places of the fretboard will produce different sounds. Write if it gave any use to you.


From - Andrew Zeylemaker
I like to call this sound Psycho. Mute all strings and strum behind the nut hard and fast in a downward motion using a straight crotchet rhythm - this makes a dissonant sound which my friends and I consider to be close to the strings sound used in the shower scene from the movie Psycho . This sound comes in handy when you are at a jam and someone is fucking up so badly that you would like to kill them!

Electric Shaver trick

From -
This one is probably the easiest trick ever....All u gotta do is get an electric shaver turn the shaver on and put it up to ur pickups....if u have that little beard trimmer thing on the back of ur shaver pull it in and out it makes a pretty cool sound also when put up to the pickups

Watch Metronome

Here is Another easy trick...just take ur watch it has to be the one with the hands not digital...and put it up to ur pickups its like a metranome (or however u spell it)

Tape Recorder Trick

ok Here is Another easy trick...if u have one of those tape recorders that u stick tapes in and record peoples voices onto the tape just turn it on and push either Play,Fast Forward or Rewind and hold it up to ur pickups it makes a pretty cool sound...also if u have a recorder like i do that lets u control how fast and slow the tape goes just keep turning it back and forth from Fast to Slow and it sounds pretty sweet....i have posted tricks about the Watch,Electric Shaver and this one..if u have any comments email me at

P.S. I am not responsible if u mess ur guitar up while performing these Tricks/Noises

Pedal-less Wah

step 1) strum any chord

step2) turn the tone dial back and forth to create a wah

Creepy Spring Scraping

by Evan Price
Hi there, here's a creepy kind of sound I didn't see on your site. Take the back off of your guitar and scrape or pluck the spring.

Drill Sound (Poundcake)

by Ben Woodrow -
i know you all probably know how to do this one but get and electric drill and hold it over your pick-ups ala EVH, if you use a decent amount of distortion you get a really wild sound reminiscent of "poundcake" its an obvious one but just try it i guarantee you wont be dissapointed

Brass Slide Tricks

From -
try this with a brass slide. hold it in your picking hand, and tap the strings around the area where you would pick. i should also mention that this works best on the high e string. fret high on the fret board and tap as fast as you can. you may want to use some gain or anything else you have to boost the signal. but you can get a sound similar to the old NES video game console. next try scraping the d string with the end of the slide with delay. you want to play bulls on parade? go ahead. just practice, without the delay of course.

Vibrator Relaxxx!

from 5177ns

Ok, I got this way of making noises out of the guitar that has to do with using a dildo (vibrator), turning it on and running it close to the pickups. It should then interfere with the magnetic fields or something and create lots of weird noises depending on what effects and what motion you run it in. Ahem... I havent actually tried it, and I guess courage is needed to actually go up to a sex shop and buy one, especially if you're male... hehe. Anyhow, I suppose that another thing that might work is a vibrating or rotating toothbrush, or anything else that has an electric motor in it.

"Freebird" Bird Noises

from Adam Hart -
When Lynard Skynard plays live, they make these high pitched bird chirping noises before going into Freebird. Since they sound better with highs, but your guitar to your treble pick up and grab your glass slide. (Rounded edges help a lot but aren't necessary.) Jack up your volume and knock your tone back a little. Remember, you're about to play something very high pitched. You want all your trebles up so the noise gets picked up very clearly, but you don't want to shatter your fans' ear drums with rediculous highs. Softening up the tone just a little takes the edge away.

Take the slide in your right hand and position it over the pickups, strike the edge of the slide on the high e string , and slide a short way with it. You should get a little chirp. Make sure to be muting the strings with your left hand on the neck, or else the string will sound when you remove the slide.

Repeat this as necessary, and you can use any of the unwound strings. High e just sounds better than the rest. It sounds even better with 3 guitarists doing it, a la Lynard Skynard. Enjoy.

last part of strange guitar tricks will come very soon

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