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Wednesday, November 25, 2009

listing all strange sound tricks-part 4(last part)

Harmonic Bend

From -
simple not that hard to do. first just pop a really go natrual harmonic, then slam it down to the fret board and bend it. compare it to a normal bend, you'll hear the difference.

Blackboard Scratch

From - Seth Goldart of the Spirit Hop Foundation

This sound effect serves as an opening for a solo, transfer to a heavy part of a song or for general mayhem periods. What you do is simply plug your axe in and distort it. then you put your pick on a high fret(usually below the 12th) and just scratch the third, fourth and fifth strings down the neck.

David Gilmour's Vibrato Ghost

From - Seth Goldart of the Spirit Hop Foundation

I read about this in guitar world. What you do is bend the b-string (or second string) back on the 7th fret or higher, hold it for a few seconds then wiggle it. If all goes well it should produce a faint, ghost-like sound. Enjoy!

Moggio's Bag of Tricks

from -
Under String Bar Slide

Take your bar and dip and slack the strings. While the strings are flabbing there, shove the bar UNDER whatever string you like, say the G. Let the bar up and it will be under the string, as you pick you can slide the bar up and down on it's axis UNDER the string! You can mute all strings before you dip, or just let all the string noise come through ala Hendrix.


With the move above, and preferably a floating trem, you can pop strings on your guitar. Definately an end of song thing.


Take a string that you cut with some wire cutters or one that breaks at the nut, and play it by picking it and putting tension and releasing tension with your left hand. It's a very nice effect.

Floating Trem Technique

Don't have a Floating trem? While your playing a run, reach behind the fretting hand with your pick and use the pick as a wedge to pull the note/notes in and out of pitch.

Danger move

One of my former moves involves shoving the peghead straightdown against the floor, lean your body weight on the guitar. Use your weight to bow the neck flat and use the whammy to stretch it sharp. Many variasions on this one. Use a wall, your amp...But beware, you can crack your headstock or break it off, I have an Ibanez with a crack on the back of the headstock. Beware!

Guitar Drag

Thats a name I got from an artist who had a segment on PBS' Egg. He took a guitar an amp with a generator, he tied a guitar to the back of his truck and dragged and recorded it through the surrounding landscape. I always did a similiar trick by gribbing the tip of the headstock and swinging it everywhere. You get so many noises from it. You bang it on the stage, the cable gets tangled around the strings, you can even let it go and watch it slide across the stage. Don't knock it until you try it!

Guitar Rumble

An old SRV trick. You take your guitar off and you lay it on the ground. You grab the whammy bar and you pick up and bounce the guitar on the floor by the whammy. You bounce it up and down and as SRV did you can reach down and flip the guitar in circles.

Breath Bow

If you can get to a good place volumewise where you can take your hands off the guitar without feedback, you can hold the guitar up in the famous Jimi play with your teeth mode and blow across the strings! It's a heavenly effect. Use the bar to manipulate the sounds or if you have a guitar without a locking nut, you can push and wiggle behing the nut as well.

Digital Hissing - BASS

From -
The way to do this is to use a Bass Way (like the CryBaby) and turn up your amp (mine's a practice amp) and just rock it back and forth without using any notes.

It sounds like an ocean or gas hissing through a moving tube or something like that.

Plus, It's just goofy-sounding.

Mosquito-Like Sound

From - Emmad
Take a quarter and rub the edge on the 1st or 2nd strings (it works with any strings) back and forth right near the bridge.

Weird Diving Sound

From - Emmad
Take a quarter and slide it down the bridge with the quarter perpendicular to the strings. As you slide down, you can move it slightly to get a sudden change in pitch because the edge of the quarter isn't smooth.

Fluid Tremolo

From - Emmad
Tremelo pick on the neck (where the strings are) close to where you are fretting the string and it will prduce a very smooth sound that reminds me of water, for some reason.

Noisy Transition

I dont know what to call this sound/noise whatever and its kinda dumb, but hey, whatcha gonna do. its an old trick that i started using years ago that involves only distortion and very very very fast picking. generally, its best used right before a change in a song like you would use a drum fill. all i do is speed pick (im talking really damned fast. make slayer look slow) on the b and/or high e string and hold your fingers at random places over the 5-6 fret and move back down to the first. try to avoid hitting the strings open since itll make it sound stupid and you really have to move your left hand like the rest of the neck has the plague and the only escape is to the first fret. both of these techniques (the speed pick+random fast left hand harmonics) pulled off well creates a nice little bridge for that little bit of time you have in a song when ya just feel like making your drummer make funny faces.

More from Moggio's Bag of Tricks

From - Moggio
Moving Pickup

Take any pickup you are not usingor get off a guitar you're not using and mount it in a holder of some sort (I made a little hand-grip with output jack) and you connect it to your amp. You can play legato with your left hand and then you can hold this new contraption over any part of the neck to get different tones! You can also get some nasty/funny sounding overtones that play sympathetically behind your fretting hand!

Whammy bar as noise maker

Pop or unscrew your whammy bar and you can use it to make all kind of great pings and bleep sounds and long extended slide noices.

Tapping chirp

On the high E string, play any familiar tapping run but instead of hitting a note cleanly with the right hand, slide the string off the fretboard to make the tapped note chirp. It's a cross between EVH and Vai!

Right hand Vibrato/Grabbing string to add vibrato

Not so much a trick but a great technique, especially with a floating trem. For example: Hit the e note on the 3rd string 9th fret. As you are holding this note, add wide or whatever vibrato you prefer by grabbinb the 4th string or lower and pull up and down or side to side. This will cause the floating trem to rock up and down at whatever speed you prefer. Great technique.

Extra long bar

On most trems especially Ibanez 'pop' trems, you can take the bar out and put it back in with the long part of the trem into the trem hole. This will make your bar poke straight out! Alot of possibilities here, you can really pull the strings SLACK or you can use it like a gear shift in playing position.

Ugly side neck fretless

On your high or low E String, pull it off the neck with your right hand and quickly place your left hand on the string and play until you get a spot that will get picked up by the pickup. It will sound like a fretless, you'll probably only get a few spots where you'll get some notes but it sound so weird and cool when you do!

Leg whammy

A funny thing you can do is place the guitar so it's between your legs and you can do some tapping, picking and use your leg on the bar! If you record using this technique and say 6 fingered tapping, you will confuse even the most seasoned pro!!!

Crazy Reverb Noise

From - Hayeshayesj
To do this you must have spring raverb, turn distortion on max and turn your master volume up and turn your level down. Sound should come from the reverb tank instead of the speakers. You can make some really cool noises. (Warning-if feedback is not monitored it may become extremely loud very fast)

Bizzare DD-20 Ring Mod

From - NCRA
If you have the new boss dd-20 giga delay pedal, you can make a cool ring modulator noise.
1. Set effect to "Reverse".
2. Turn delay time all the way down to 10 ms
3. play. Use "effect level" knob as blend, and delay time knob like internal oscillator

R2D2 on Fire

From - Erik Sorensen
Me and a friend were playing around with a mini-amp that was fitted into box of camels (somebody had already smoked the cigarettes). At one point my friend took the amp and moved it over the the body of his telecaster and it went: "bling-whooop-za-nannah!". It's just simple feedback of course, but if you have one of these little buggers, try the trick. Simply move the amp in circles above the pickups and it'll sound like R2D2 with his main transistor on fire.

Drop D Soundscape

From - Alex Smith
Tune your guitar into Drop-D. Play the 4th, 5th, and 6th strings open, muting the 1st-3rd strings. You can play around with a Wah, blowing accross the strings, playing a quirky melody on the 1st string using the open D5 as a pedal chord [one repeated as a basso continuo]. However, the trick I like the most is playing the D5 chord, letting the amp harmonize the strings into a higher chord, and gently tapping the whammy bar, increasing tapping strength as you go continue, until you vibrate the open strings back into the original D5 chord. The vibrated fade-in sounds awesome.

Jeremy's Bag of Tricks

From - Jeremy Hunter
Here's a bunch of random guitar effects. Quite a few from mike einziger(however you spell that name) of incubus.

For the'Pardon me effect'
Also used on knice to know you and are you in. delay set it about on second and 4 repeats , theres apart in the song where he just hits a note and lets the delay repeat. That should give you the settings. He also has a phase after the delay to give it the cool tone or whatever you wnat to call it. I dont know.

then play the chord just and voume swell starting from 0.

The chords are all on tab sites. Usually prety acurate.

Here in my Room effect
That random solo from here in my room is alos phaser and delay. Its a semi slow phaser with distortion after it. Also some delay or reverb. before the phaser. I cant get the delay sounding write yet but the general idea is the phaser with a high end distortion to get teh kinda of screaming efect. the dealy helps add to it. The actual notes are (i think)

21 19 15 13 19 21 x2 on the high e string. but more likely it is played an octave lower but using an octaver pedal.

Oh and of course its very heavily tremelo picked. If anyone perfects this please tell me the delay settings.

on clean the guitar sound like a drum its awesome and very impressive. Im pretty sure its just a phaser on high resolution and etheir a muted string being play or tapping on the pickup or something.

Some other random effects

whales? screams?
trun volume down. bend a note up a fair bit. then chuck on delay pick the note then voume swell up while slowly unbending the note. also do it starting undended as well. put the delay on a fairly short delay time with about 3 repeats maaybe.

Scratch effect thing

Put a short delay on with about 4 or 5 repeats. And a fairly quick phaser scratch slowly. it is an interesting effect. could be cool. i think incubus uses it.

Computer beep sound.
With a les paul style guitar turn one pickup down and the other one up so you have a kill switch. Put long delay on and feed back on as much as possible. play a note then quickly flick the pickup up selecter on then off. then start adding a lot more random notes and you get some computer machine beep type things.

i thought i had a lot more effects but i have forgotten them now. But delay is the main thing. im not very good at explaing things so email me if need clarification.

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