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Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Here & There

I've learned a shortcut as I stumble through the Fretboard Jungle -- Mark showed me a different way to grab that A major chord. Of course, I can't tell you how I do it or I'd have to play it for you ...

Ever since I started this guitar business I've gone to great lengths to avoid seeming like a dilettante. And while I may be on the record as saying that guitars are works of art, I figured it would be superficial to be overly concerned with appearance. After all, it's the sound that matters most, right? But after reading Tim Brookes' book and soaking up some general guitar culture, I can now admit that my guitar's appearance means a lot to me and there is a slight degree of vanity involved. I polish the guitar even when it doesn't need it. I have not one but two polishing cloths ...

A sure sign of creeping guitarism in my life: After washing a load of clothes last week I discovered two guitar picks in the washer among the coins that had fallen out of my jeans' pockets. Also, I'm developing permanent furrows where the guitar rests atop my right thigh ...

And I can't help but ask: why didn't I start this about 30 or 40 years earlier?

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