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Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Flotsam and Jetsam

I admit to having a very slight obsession with guitar picks. I like to think of them as little totems that represent my aspiration to reach semi-competency with a guitar. Like the ad says, "From soulful blues licks to searing metal riffs, your pick is where it all begins."

Some picks are beautifully crafted and designed pieces of mini-art, like those pictured above, which can be found at Brossard Picks. The Brossard picks are made of abalone, bone, horn and exotic woods and some cost up to $30, compared to the classic swirly Fender celluloids that go for three for a dollar ...

My newest guitar pick didn't cost me a thing. I read about a guy who cuts his own from old credit cards, computer housing and anything else made of thin, firm plastic. I gave it a try and it sounds like the real thing ...

I recently came across an Internet question-and-answer message board on which a girl had asked, "is 16 2 late 2 start learning guitar?" There were lots of responses along the lines of "Heck, no, i didnt start til i was 17!!" Since the double-nickel birthday looms for me next month, I had to LOL, as they say on the Internet ...

Ever wonder how they make bubble-gum pop music? I think I've discovered the secret:

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