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Wednesday, November 11, 2009


The Indian city of Agra is no longer famous solely for the Taj Mahal. According to the Economic Times, a 14-year-old kid there recently won himself a spot in the Guinness Book of Records by playing guitar for 53 hours non-stop (except for little breaks). I suspect he alternated between "Stairway to Heaven" and "Smoke on the Water" but the crowd kept calling for "Freebird" ...

The Eagles may be taking it beyond the limit (add your own pun based on an Eagles lyric or title, if you like) on their upcoming tour. It's been written that the band will be lugging 80 guitars upon hitting the road in July. In addition to keeping guitar technicians and roadies fully employed and boosting the guitar-manufacturing industry, this greatly pleases hard-core guitar freaks, some of whom apparently go to the concerts primarily to check out the gear ...

The 50 ugliest guitars of 2007 can be found here and some of them are pretty scary. Not even the Eagles would take these guitars on tour.

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