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Wednesday, November 11, 2009

In the Key of Qi

Lately something has been blocking the flow of my qi through my body's meridians and it's knocked my yin-yang balance out of whack.
That's acupuncture talk for "I think I've got a pinched nerve in my left shoulder and the ache is driving me crazy." It's a come-and-go pain that runs about halfway down my bicep and can be pretty distracting at times. Even though it doesn't hurt so much when I play, I suspect it's caused from hunching over a guitar neck.

My doctor didn't offer any help other than suggesting heavy-duty aspirin so, despite initial skepticism, I've tried a couple of acupuncture treatments for the first time. A little old Chinese woman stabbed me with about 25 needles, mostly in the back and shoulders but a few down my legs, hooked them up to a mild, pulsing electrical current and let me lie for 40 minutes (this is when an iPod comes in real handy). It seems to have gotten the ol' qi (pronounced chee) flowing a little better but the pain isn't completely gone.

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